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Technicolour Tinseltown

Shining the spotlight on the Golden Age of glamour! A lighting workshop exploring the lighting techniques of yesteryear

Saturday 14th September

Technicolour Tinseltown

Educator : Jason @creativelightlessons
in partnership with

Time & Location

Saturday, 14 September 2024


About the event

Step into the glamorous world of classic cinema with the ultimate lighting workshop for high impact vintage imagery! 

Unleash your inner cinematographer and learn the secrets behind the iconic lighting techniques that made stars like Marilyn Monroe and Humphrey Bogart shine. This hands-on workshop will transport you back to the golden age of film, where you'll master the art of dramatic shadows, dazzling spotlights, and sumptuous soft focus of yesteryear. 

Whether you're a seasoned pro or an aspiring shutterbug, join us to add a touch of vintage magic to your photography and make every shot a blockbuster hit!

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